There’s lies, damned lies, statistics Well known Mark Twain quoteWhich we extend:
There’s lies, damned lies, statistics, political correctness and liberalismInterpretation
- Lies are… well… lies, with the millennial history of their harmful consequences
- Damned lies reflect the fact that not all lies are equal; some have more damning consequences
- Statistics — used thus pejoratively — reflects the use of data without conscience
- Political correctness — the dignification of certain lies into desirable respectability
- Liberalism (also called democracy, secularism etc) — Way of life based on PC
1 Religion is the Cause of our Problems
2 Religion is about God/gods/supernatural
Even though
- Christ: Love thy neighbour against all odds
- The word Islam and Muslim
3 In particular Islam
“muslim” literally means "heart of velvet" and originally signified gentleness; and “islam” meant peace
Today it has morphed into islam(ist) which has come to become synonymous with terrorist
Today it has morphed into islam(ist) which has come to become synonymous with terrorist
4 Secularism
Secularism is the fundamental lie on which most ot the other lies of modernity depends
4.1 Solves the problem
Also called
- Separating Church and State
- Emancipation
- DoubleSpeak Shariah vs Israel
- …
4.2 Secularism — Sequence
- Saeculum — world — is reality
- Saeculum is The reality
- secular = real
- sacred = unreal
- profane is fine (norm)
4.3 Foundation of Secularism is a lie
- Lets stay within in the western 'classical' musical tradition
- Wherein J.S Bach is universally regarded as the greatest musician
- And Bach said "The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul"
- Are the music schools teaching Bach in 'secular' universities doing justice to Bach??
- And if this question look academic
- Lets imagine Bach were alive today and his writings were under his copyright
- Would he
- Have allowed his music to be 'open-sourced'?
- Would he have insisted on royalty-payments?
- Or would he have insisted that it be used to properly religious (Christian?) ends?
- Such questions by their nature have no definite answer…
- Nevertheless they open the issue that secular usage of sacred material is dishonest
4.4 Seculars are religious fanatics
4.5 Anti-semitism
- Anyone who opposes Israel's genocidal activities is:
- anti-Israel(sure) → anti-zionist(um whats that?) → anti-semitic → holocaust-denier → Nazi
- Jew Deaths by Hitler's Nazism – 6 million
- Peasant deaths by communism – 100 million
- Yet we are not allowed to use the word 'Holocaust' for anything other than jew-deaths
4.6 Age of Enlightenment
- The Church $%* were given a royal kick
- And everyone miraculously got instant enlightenment
- After which…
4.7 Canard of caste
In Manusmriti
- varna ≠ jati
- In fact MS sets out to make varna a bulwark against jati
4.8 Ideal (Lie) of Liberal Democracy
Today we know from history that the belief (religion) of communism was killed millions of people in the 20th century – Bolshevik revolution, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot
Climate-change may bring about terrors on a scale that would make the 100 million deaths of communism look like chicken-feed – terracide. And its principal driver is the market-economy god of liberal-democracy
How long will we worship at the feet and horns of this mephistopheles?
Thus the attempt to live without God made idols of politics and produced the century's 'gangster statesmen' – Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot – whose 'unappeasable appetite for controlling mankind' unleashed unimaginable horrors. Allen HertzkeAnd yet we are so sure that the 'idol' of democracy/liberalism is better??
Climate-change may bring about terrors on a scale that would make the 100 million deaths of communism look like chicken-feed – terracide. And its principal driver is the market-economy god of liberal-democracy
How long will we worship at the feet and horns of this mephistopheles?
- Plato Thoreau gpa
- Well ordered govt
- Conduces to peace
- French revolution
- Produced liberty, fraternity, equality
4.8.1 America is founded on democratic principles
4.8.2 Democracy = Corporatism
4.8.3 Democratic party (US) supports freedom
Inconvenient truth of democratic party (taboo link)
4.8.4 Liberal = Illiberal
How with passage of time 'liberal' has come to mean its exact opposite
“Liberal” = Illiberal
4.8.5 “Nazi” ≠ nazi
4.8.6 Danger of common-nouning hitler
Modi=Hitler because of Sunday
- Hitler was evil
- Hitler was (or not) a Christian
- So Christians (or atheists) are evil
- A killed X
- A had 6 toes
- So all 6-toed are murderers
- B killed Y
- B had only 4 toes
- So all amputatees are murde
4.8.7 Liberalism
Law of 7: From Liberation to politically correct lies
4.9 Education = education
4.10 Patriar-table
Nazism | Nationalism | Patriotism | Patriarchy | Patriarchality | Hierarchy | Order (Rtam) | Religiousness |
4.11 Eurocentricism
4.11.1 Law of tilt
- Feminism, Racism, Sexism, Patriotism etc are all tilts
- Self (Atma) is the base of all tilts
- Bhagavan quote
4.12 Feminism/Sexism
Feminism = women's good\
Consider abortion… and its opposite stands in US and India
Murder is OK if there's no eye contact
Its progress to pee/shee into one's drinking water
Anti-feminists are wishing everyone to wear burqas
Consider abortion… and its opposite stands in US and India
Murder is OK if there's no eye contact
Its progress to pee/shee into one's drinking water
Anti-feminists are wishing everyone to wear burqas
4.13 Patriotism
Its valorous to kill someone unknown only on account of the goons who stamp their passport
Its glorious to kill such in thousands
4.14 Demogoguery
- Bullet kills one
- Bomb kills ten
- Lies kill million
Demogoguery Difference between demagogue and murderer When a man murders, he becomes a criminal. When a demagogue murders in millions he becomes an hero
4.15 Relativism
- There is no absolute right and wrong…
- So one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter
- And so…
- The killing proceeds apace
- Alternative: Ten commandments: Thou shalt not kill
- No ifs and buts
4.16 Translatability
All languages are equal
Therefore English is best
4.17 Hoist them up Crash them down
- Facebook Conversation showing Muhammad supported FGM because he did not proscribe it.
- Ram ate meat : So he encouraged non-veg-ism
- Ab Lincoln was racist towards natives : So he was racist
5 Science Technology Lies
5.0.1 Newton lie
These ‘facts’
All these start as idealizations Then truths Finally all alternatives are knocked down as pseudo-science
Once we stop calling these facts and call them scientific mythologies
- straight line
- particle
- rigid body
- External observer (outside the Universe!)
All these start as idealizations Then truths Finally all alternatives are knocked down as pseudo-science
Once we stop calling these facts and call them scientific mythologies
5.0.2 Descartes lie
Uniformity of spacetime
5.0.3 Darwin's lie
My Gpa was a monkey
Science = knowledge
Facts = truth
And anyone disbelieving thus is a 7 day creationist
5.0.4 Progress!
“We are understanding more and more”
“Bad situation now is exception”
“Humanity will find a way out”
“Bad situation now is exception”
“Humanity will find a way out”
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